New walk for International Women’s Day 2016

International Women’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognised for their achievements without regard to any differences.

Fanny Burney was a self-educated female author of enlightenment.

On 29 January 1778, Fanny’s first novel, Evelina, or A Young Lady’s Entrance into the World, was published. The book was written in letter form and published anonymously and secretly with the help of her brother; not even her father, a music teacher a writer, knew she had written it. Encyclopædia Britannica describes Evelina as a “landmark in the development of the novel of manners”.

On our walk of Regency London we follow the very excited Evelina through the streets of Regency London as she goes shopping in preparation for her first ever ball. We look at London society as a whole, the men and women who were in control and what is was to be a female writer.

International Women’s Day 2016: Tuesday 8th March, 7pm Book now

Hazel Baker is a qualified CIGA Tour Guide who delivers guided walks and private tours in London. View all of Hazel’s walking tours.


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