Secrets of Spitalfields Walking Tour
Secrets of Spitalfields Walking Tour
Secrets of Spitalfields Walking Tour
Secrets of Spitalfields Walking Tour
Secrets of Spitalfields Walking Tour
Secrets of Spitalfields Walking Tour
Secrets of Spitalfields Walking Tour
Secrets of Spitalfields Walking Tour
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Secrets of Spitalfields Walking Tour

Throughout history, women have played vital roles in shaping society, yet their achievements have often been overlooked or forgotten. This walk aims to shine a light on the extraordinary women who founded charities, fought for workers’ rights, and paved the way for future generations.

  • Discover unknown stories of women
  • Walk amongst iconic buildings in the City
  • Qualified London tour guide
90 mins linear walk
Individual tickets £20

Book with confidence:

Begin your exploration at one of the few remaining Jewish synagogues in the area, an awe-inspiring edifice dating back to 1766. Originally constructed as a chapel, it was later repurposed by Ashkenazi Jews in the 19th century, following a collective community effort to adapt it for their religious practices and customs. Though the building may not boast a large regular congregation today, it retains significant cultural heritage and is a Grade 2 listed structure.

Meander through one of East London’s most photogenic streets, where resplendent Georgian buildings stand as a legacy to the Huguenot merchant weavers of the 17th century. These individuals, who fled religious persecution, coined the term ‘refugee’ and forever altered the English language.

Further highlights include a foray down a street echoing with a myriad of cultural histories—from a music hall with a heart-rending story, to the remarkable endeavours of women’s rights activist Annie Besant, who was instrumental in aiding the match girl strikers and subsequently influencing the trade union movement.

Finally, immerse yourself in the bustling atmosphere of Brick Lane, a hotspot renowned for its scrumptious street food and vivid street art. Gain an understanding of the layered contributions of various immigrant communities that have collectively shaped this area into the vibrant hub it is today.

Don’t miss this unparalleled opportunity to deepen your understanding of East London’s rich history with Bex Couper, a qualified London tour guide. This is more than a walk; it’s an educational odyssey that will leave you with a newfound appreciation for one of London’s most multifaceted and historically significant areas.

Spitalfield’s riches are discoverable when you look very, very closely.

  • Start: Liverpool Street Station
  • End: Spitalfields Market
  • Duration: 90 minutes
Your Guide: Daniel Hausherr

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